April 26 Devotional and Announcements

Message From Pastor Kenny

Dear family and friends,

I have a fascinating book called “131 Christians Everyone Should Know” put out by the editorial board of Christian History magazine.  This man I want to tell you about didn’t make that list, but he makes mine. I want to tell you about him and a valuable lesson he taught me.

One of the men I had the privilege of working in ministry with as an intern was Dr. Stephen Olford.  Dr. Olford was on my ordination committee and spoke at my ordination service.  For years he had a radio program broadcast on Trans World Radio that reached much of Africa.  One of my responsibilities was to draft responses to the dozens of letters he received daily from all over the world.  His ministry was located in Wheaton.

Billy Graham called Dr. Olford “the man who most influenced my ministry.”  Dr. Olford was influential in the lives of another one of my heroes, Jim Elliot.  Jim talks about Dr. Olford in his journals.

Dr. Olford was born in Zambia and raised in Angola to missionary parents.  He spent his college years in the United Kingdom and then after a call to ministry, did his seminary training in England.  After that he was involved in various ministries including pastoral ministries that landed him at the famed Calvary Baptist Church in New York City, located across the street from Radio City Music Hall.  He pastored there from 1959-1973.  It was after that he started Encounter Ministries in Wheaton and when I worked with him.

I had the privilege of traveling with him to some of his ministry events.  One in particular was to Florida. On the way there, he told me an of a time he was preaching in England and a man was supposed to share his testimony before Dr. Olford preached.  Dr. Olford told me when he met this man, that the man “was dressed like a butcher.”  I’m not exactly sure what that meant, but I didn’t get the idea that it was with great taste.  The next thing he said was that when this man opened his mouth, “his words were like butter.” Maybe it’s another British expression, but he did explain that this man had an amazing way with words that was absolutely captivating.  That man was C.S. Lewis.  Dr. Olford is one of the few people I’ve met who personally knew C. S. Lewis.

The ministry event Dr. Olford was asked to speak at, and invited me to accompany him there, was the PGA chapel at an event they had in Florida.  One of the men I met there was the infamous “John 3:16” sign holder.  Many of you won’t know who that is, but this man wore crazy multi-colored wigs and had a knack for being in a place where there was camera coverage.  I made a comment to Dr. Olford that I didn’t like this guy’s ministry and I questioned his effectiveness.

When I said that, Dr. Olford kindly told me a story of when D.L. Moody went to Oxford to preach, and somebody criticized his method of mass evangelism.  D.L. Moody didn’t take offense but asked this man, “What is your method of evangelism?”  The man hesitated before saying that he really didn’t have a method.  D. L. Moody responded, “Well, sir, I like my method of doing it better than your method of not doing it.”  The point, explained Dr. Olford, is that if I don’t like someone’s method of doing something for the Kingdom, as long as the Gospel is being preached, my responsibility is to pray for that person, not criticize them.  It was a point well-taken.  It was a kind rebuke I’ll never forget.  Is there something you’re unhappy with or that doesn’t particularly jive with your way of doing something.  Please pray!

Have you noticed the south-facing and west-facing roof of Fellowship Hall?  After over a year of planning and a large donation, and with a special thanks to the Overseers, namely John Kirk, we have a roof covered with solar panels.  The solar power generated should be enough to cover all of our electric bills, including for the missions house and also the rental home.  Thank you to all involved with this project.

In preparation for this Sunday, read through 2 John in its entirety.

Spring activities continue. Here are some upcoming events this month to make note of on your calendar. In addition to all our regularly scheduled activities:


Saturday, April 27                  1PM Memorial service for James Tate (Sanctuary)
Sunday, April 28                    Baby dedications - morning
Sunday, April 28                    Discipleship class (2-5PM in The Upper Room)
Saturday, May 4                    Guys Potluck Breakfast (8AM in Fellowship Hall)
Sunday, May 5                     Communion Sunday (9AM and 10:30AM)
Wednesday, May 8              Primetimers luncheon (12NOON in Fellowship Hall)
Sunday, May 12                   Mother’s Day Sunday
Sunday, May 26                   Membership Class (2-5PM in The Upper Room)





JAMES TATE’S MEMORIAL SERVICE will be Saturday (TOMORROW!), April 27 at 1PM in the sanctuary.  There will be a reception following in the Fellowship Hall. Your presence will be a great encouragement to Joyce!

A THANK YOU FROM PASTOR ELOY - Becky and I want to thank everyone who helped celebrate my retirement. What a wonderful night it was. We felt very loved and appreciated. Thank you!

PRIMETIMERS LUNCHEON - CEBC goes back to High School!!!! Come and hear David Warren speak about a new ministry opportunity at Mission Bay and Clairemont High Schools. Primetimers, please wear your letterman jackets, your high school colors and bring those yearbooks so that all can see a younger you. The luncheon is scheduled for Wednesday, May 8th at noon in Fellowship Hall. Join us for great food, wonderful fellowship, and an important message regarding our community.

After the loss of JAMES TATE on Easter Sunday and HAL THROCKMORTON just a couple weeks ago, ANNE RIDEOUT went to be with the Lord last week, Friday, on her 93rd birthday.  Like the Throckmortons, Anne considered Clairemont Emmanuel to be her family.  We are sad to lose anyone who is a part of our family. The Throckmortons and Anne have been a part of CEBC for longer than the 30 years that I’ve been here.  Stay tuned to find out about when celebration of life services will be held for Hal and also for Anne.  And please pray especially for Ann Throckmorton and the Throckmorton family in the loss of Hal and for Joyce in the loss of her son and also her dear friend, Anne. “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord” (2 Corinthians 5:8).  Our loss is Heaven’s gain.

PRAYER FOR FORMER SENIOR PASTOR JIM and LINDA SMITH - whose eldest son, Ben died unexpectedly in Minnesota. Ben had an enlarged heart and some other physical issues.  Jim and Linda were in Minnesota for a service last weekend for Ben and to help handle his personal affairs.

DISCIPLESHIP CLASS - April 28 (THIS SUNDAY!), 2 PM in The Upper Room. Text or email Pastor Kenny if you have any questions. If you have not yet taken this class, we encourage everyone to take it and so please come.  We believe this will help you grow in your life with Christ.

PAID CHILDCARE OPPORTUNITY - We are looking to hire five or six paid childcare leaders ($20 per hour) for a mom’s Bible study every 2nd and 4th Friday in the Ark from 9:45am-12:15pm. We are hoping to start April 26th and go through June 28. Please contact Susan Robinson at susanannrobinson@gmail.com or 619-985-5188 if you are interested or know someone who might be.

CHILDREN MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED (UPDATED!) There are openings in Children’s Ministry on Sunday Mornings! Contact Susan Robinson at 619-985-5188 or at
SusanAnnRobinson@gmail.com. These are our current openings:

THE HARBOR (10:05-12:05)
Kindergarten through 5th Grade

Classroom Assistant
1 Sunday per month
Assist with classroom activities while the teacher leads the lesson

Worship Leader
1 Sunday per month from 10:40-10:55am
Lead 2-3 songs during large group worship

THE ARK (10:05-12:05)
Babies through Preschool Age

Baby / Monkey Room Helper
1 Sunday per month
Care for babies

Preschool / Toucan Room Assistant
1 Sunday per month
Assist with classroom activities while the teacher leads the lesson

Special Needs Helper
2 Sundays per month
Be a “buddy” for a child with special needs

GRADUATES!! - If you are graduating from any school (high school or up) or program this Spring, or you know someone at church who is, please let the office know ASAP as we want to honor you/them on an upcoming Sunday.

LIVING WATERS MINISTRY is seeking the following:
1. Diapers and wipes for the foster closet.
2. Non-expired canned and boxed food items for our Strong Families ministry.
3. Men's socks in various sizes for our homeless ministry partnership with We See You.
Donations can be dropped off at 4347 Mount Henry Ave or contact jeanie.presey@gmail.com or 619-997-2079.

MOTHER’S DAY SUNDAY MAY 12TH -Living Waters will be providing a gift for mothers, grandmothers and expectant mothers on Mother's Day Sunday May 12th. Stop by the table that day to pick up yours.

CLAIREMONT EMMANUEL VETERANS GROUP - Are you a Vet of any branch of military service?  Please stop by our table this Sunday to sign up for our newsletter and find out about upcoming events.  If you would like more information or have questions contact Dana at danaretired@gmail.com or call at 760-533-1447.

READ THROUGH THE BIBLE – Whether you want to read through the Bible in a year or just keep track of your reading, we have a small half-sheet of paper that allows you to mark off every chapter you read.  These are available at the welcome table.

LIVING WATERS MINISTRY has a table on the patio THIS SUNDAY providing various Christian Parenting books for $1 each. Book topics include: “Bullying Breakthrough,” “Cracking the Parenting Code,” “When Your Kid is Hurting,” “Sacred Ground,” “Sticky Floors,” and “Discovering Your Parenting Strengths.” Buy some and pass them out to your friends.

RIGHT NOW MEDIA – Have you signed up? This is like a Netflix of Christian teaching, etc. that costs if you sign up on your own, but we have signed up as a church – making it FREE FOR YOU. All you have to do, is call the church office and we can send you an invite – then you come up with a username and password and you can use this amazing resource!!! Have fun exploring!

FAMILY ROOM - Please know that the family room is reserved for families with small children and not for adults by themselves.  Thank you for respecting this.

MINISTRY TABLES – If you are a leader of one of our many ministries and would like a table on the patio, contact the office (619-276-1922) to schedule a Sunday!

PRAYER AND ENCOURAGEMENT – If you’re aware of people who are sick or stuck at home or just lonely, pray for them and give them a call. Many of them have been contacted by you and been so encouraged! Will you pick someone from our church family to especially pray for this week and please call them or drop them a note to let them know you love them and are praying for them.

WELCOME CARDS – are located at the Welcome Table on the patio or in the acrylic containers on the wall in the back of the sanctuary. Please take one and fill it out if you’d like a call from a pastor, if you have a prayer request, or if you’d like to be added to our email list, etc. Once filled out, put the cards in the white offering boxes on the wall in the sanctuary. You can also sign up and share a prayer request on-line at www.clairemontemmanuel.com.

AV MINISTRY – Men and women! If you are looking for a ministry and (especially if you have a background in technology / sound, but even if you don’t), contact Pastor Zach (858-322-2105), or one of the guys in the sound booth and let them know you’d like to join the team. We have recently lost a couple folks who have moved away and are looking for some others to help in this area!

COFFEE MINISTRY - Do you love coffee, donuts, and people? We would love for you to join us in serving Sunday mornings, once a month, with the coffee ministry. Please contact John Kirk at john.f.kirk@gmail.com or 858-531-3695.




Other Announcements

ALL WOMEN are invited to a dedicated time of prayer each week on Thursdays at Tracy Rickert’s home at 1:45PM. Contact Tracy for more information at 619-376-0553.

SEE SOMEONE YOU DON’T RECOGNIZE AT CHURCH? – Please don’t assume that someone else will greet them.  Will YOU go up and introduce yourself to them and welcome them this Sunday to Clairemont Emmanuel!!

GUYS GAME DAY – On the FIRST Saturday of the month (NEXT TIME will be Saturday, MAY 4 from 9:30AM – 11:30AM, following the guy’s breakfast) we’ll be having an outdoor game time with pickleball and spike ball for guys aged 13 and up.  ALL SKILL LEVELS ARE WELCOME. We meet at the two courts on the west side of Fellowship Hall, lower area – outside of the Youth Room.  Learn to play, learn strategy to improve your game, and open play.  Paddles are available or bring your own.  If you have any question, call, or text Russ VandeVegte at 619-990-9643 or Dan Cassels at 619-972-5976.

OTHER GUY CONNECTIONS – Men, pick one of these groups and join in – especially this summer!
1.    Men’s golf group - Mark Ritter (541-219-9184). Going again soon!
2.    Inductive Bible Study method - David Wu (619-913-3021) Saturdays 730-8:30AM
3.    Men’s Surf / Breakfast club - Mike Uyboco (619-770-0348)  Wednesday mornings 5:30AM.
4.    Running Club - Charles Yin (619-581-0073) currently forming, will determine day/time.
5.    Tuesday morning Bible study, 6:30AM. Paul Champlain (619-209-1237)
6.    Thursday morning book club, 6:30AM. Paul Champlain (619-209-1237)
7.    Thursday “Happy Hour”.  Bay Hill Tavern. 5PM.  Todd Simpson (858-717-2939)
8.    Saturday Morning Men’s Prayer Breakfast.   Saturday morning - except for the 1st Saturday of the month.  Fellowship Hall, 7AM.  Byron Harrold (619-890-4393)
9.    Grace Book Club.  CEBC.  Bruce Payne, (858-220-4865)
10. Guys Game Saturdays.  Pickle Ball, etc.  1st Saturday morning of each month, following the men’s prayer breakfast  Russ VandeVegte 619-990-9643 or Dan Cassels (619-972-5976).

INTERESTED IN JOINING A SMALL GROUP? Would you like to start or join a small group? Participants decide the frequency and scope of their gatherings. Small groups meet together for fellowship, prayer, and Bible study. Small groups are an integral part of our church community. Most meet regularly in the home of a group member. It may include dinner from time-to-time. If you haven’t found a group in your area, please let us know! Call or text Pastor Kenny (619-508-3785) or Sean Hibbs (619-920-4196).

CO-ED PICKLE BALL AT CEBC – on the third Saturday of the month (next time will be Saturday, May 18) Pickleball games and lessons will be available for men and women aged 13 and up from 8:30AM - 10:30AM. All skill levels are welcome. Two courts on the west side of the Fellowship Hall, lower area. Learn to play, learn strategy to improve your game and open play.  Paddles available or bring your own. If you have any questions, text or call Dan Cassels (619-972-5976) or Russ Van de Vegte (619-990-9643).

AFTER-SERVICE PRAYER – We will continue to invite people to come forward for prayer at the end of the service.  Please know that this is an invitation for you to come forward and pray about anything that God has put on your heart.  Of course to know the Lord, or to make spiritual decisions, but also to pray for anything personal you’d like prayer for. You might have a special prayer request for family, friends, work, etc.  Maybe it’s on your heart to come and pray for our pastors, missionaries, staff, youth, children, or one of our other ministries, etc.  Our team is available to pray with you about anything God puts on your heart. Please come and join us.




Other Ministry Opportunities

WRITE A LETTER/CARD – Some of our senior would LOVE to hear from you.  It doesn’t need to be long – just short and sweet – these folks would be ministered to when they find out you’re thinking of them:

Gloria Anderson, Villa Lorena, 14640 Via Fiesta, San Diego, CA 92127
Andy and Ruth Anderson, 6969 Bacontree Way, San Diego, CA 92111
Dave Costantino, 4560 Miami Way, San Diego, CA 92117
Dean and Dona Fitzgerald, 2340 4th Ave #12, San Diego, CA 92108
Mary Gibsen, 8515 Costa Verde Blvd #1206, San Diego, CA 92122
Diane Hebert, 1543 Galveston St, San Diego, CA 92110
Connie Mitchell, 4650 Mt. Laudo Dr, San Diego, CA 92117
Henry and Sue Redmon, 4271 Caledonia Dr., San Diego, CA 92111
Gwen Soderberg, 4473 Charger Blvd., San Diego, CA 92117
Ken and JoAnn Wadleigh, 4806 Clairemont Dr, San Diego, CA 92117

If you know of others to add here, please text names and addresses to Pastor Kenny.

SAFE FAMILIES FOR CHILDREN is a Christ-centered organization that provides safe, temporary homes for families in crisis. “Safe Families” works through volunteers that are willing to become “Host Families.” These volunteers open up their homes temporarily to children in our community who are experiencing homelessness, domestic violence, etc. or whose parents are dealing with a crisis of their own, without any support. The intent is to provide safe shelter for the children, relief and support to the parent(s), and ultimately to help strengthen the family and get them back on their feet.
If you are interested in getting more information or becoming a volunteer “Host Family”, please contact Jona (858-232-2258) or Brooke Dumitru (951-553-6578).

WEEKEND TO REMEMBER MARRIAGE WEEKEND - Here is the link with information for the Weekend to Remember marriage conference. Here’s the link to register or for more information:


The last date for the year for all of Southern California is in San Diego November 22-24, 2024.If you put Clairemont Emmanuel (CEBC) as the group name you’re signing up under, we can potentially get points to go toward a free registration in the future and we could then we can use that for a scholarship.

SILENT VOICES –Although they do not currently have a table on the patio, we have the opportunity to help restock the Silent Voices pantry with baby supplies (diapers, blankets, baby wipes, personal hygiene items, clothing, etc.). Silent Voices is a Christian pro-life pregnancy center founded and run by member Sharon Pearce, that provides life-affirming alternatives to abortion, and support to mothers and babies in our community who need help. If you have any questions about the ministry outreach, please contact Sharon Pearce (619-851-5336) or Paul Champlin (619-209-1237).

GREETING AND USHERING – If you are interested in greeting and ushering, talk to Pastor Eloy on Sunday morning or to Timothy Hulbert (first service) or Justin Hoech (second service).




2024 Class Schedule

·      All classes are held in The Upper Room from 2-5PM
·      Text Pastor Kenny (619-508-3785) if you’re interested in reserving a spot for any of these classes.
·      Our goal is that every member takes each one of the classes.

April 28                                   Discipleship Class
         May 26                                     Membership Class
         June 30                                    Ministry Class
         July                                          Membership Class
         August                                     Evangelism Class





LOOKING FOR JOBS – Several folks are looking for jobs or to change jobs.  If you happen to have a job or your business is looking for someone, let me know and I can pass it on if appropriate.

NANNYING – One of our Young Career gals, Natalie Martin, is currently looking to possibly nanny for a family this summer.  If you’re interested, you can contact Natalie at 858-414-1297.


PRESCHOOL TEACHING POSITION – Full-time position open for Teacher Assistant at Grace Kids Preschool, a faith-based center, located in the North Park area.  Minimum of 6 units early childhood education classes required.  $18-$20 an hour, depending on experience and units. Contact CEBC member Mary Moser at mary@gracekidspreschool.com

MOTHERS OF PRE-SCHOOLERS PROGRAM at Canyon View Church of Christ at Balboa and Clairemont Drive, is looking for 1-3 more employees.  It is every other Wednesday from 9:15-11:45.  The pay is $40/week.  You must be 18, with a valid ID, pass a background check, and fill out an I-9. If you’re interested, please contact Sheri Allen at SheridanLane16@gmail.com, 619-972-2656.





PRESCHOOL TEACHING POSITION – Full-time position open for Teacher Assistant at Grace Kids Preschool, a faith-based center, located in the North Park area.  Minimum of 6 units early childhood education classes required.  $18-$20 an hour, depending on experience and units. Contact CEBC member Mary Moser at mary@gracekidspreschool.com